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27 Jul 2013 - 15 Oct 2016
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Brattlund, Å. (2009) Doktorsavhandling: What Role of God and National Curriculum in School life? A Comparative study of Schools with a Muslim Profile in England and Sweden. (In English).
(Doktorsavhandlingen är en jämförande studie emellan grundskolor med muslimsk profil i Sverige och England. Avhandlingen visar bland annat att det är stor skillnad mellan länderna när det gäller frirummet för det konfessionella. Vilket har sin orsak i de parametrar, ramar som staten satt upp för att få driva skolor med konfessionell inriktning).

Brattlund, Å. (2004) The Course: The Multicultural School. In MR. Del Buono (eds).Strategies for intercultural education. Milano: IRRE Institute Regionale Ricerca Educativa. (In English,Spanish and Italian).

Daun, H, Brattlund, Å & Robleh, S.(2004) Educational Strategies Among Some Muslim Groups in Sweden. H. Daun & G. Walford (eds) Educational Strategies Among Muslims in the Context of Globalization. Some National Case Studies. Leichen: Brill Publisher. (In English)

Samuelsson J. & Brattlund, Å. (1996). Kärlek och familjeliv enligt islam. (Love and family life according to Islam). Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.

Brattlund, Å. & Samuelsson, J. (1991). Islam - en folkrörelse, muslimer I svenskt samhällsliv
(Islam - a popular movement, Muslims in Swedish society). Skellefteå: Artemis.

Brattlund, Å (2010). What Role of God and National Curriculum in School life? A Comparative study of Schools with a Muslim Profile. Paper presented at the IAHR XXth Congress, Toronto 15-21 August, 2010.

Brattlund, Å (2006) La scuola primaria svedese con profilo musulmano. Translation from English, a cura di Lauretta D´Angelo : In Ricerch Educative. Mensile dell´IRRE Lombardia Anno 2 – Nuova serie – N. 5 – maggio 2006. pp 8-10, Milano (in Italian).

Brattlund, Å (2002) Muslimska skolledare har profeten Muhammed som en viktig förebild i pedagogiskt ledarskap. (Muslim School Leaders have Prophet Muhammad as an Important role model for pedagogical leadership). Pedagogisk Forskning, årgång 7, Nr1. Göteborg: Göteborgs University (in Swedish and a summary in English).